Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Married 107 times !!!

Religious healer, a Nigerian Bello Masaba, after 107 marriages decided not to marry more.

From these marriages Bello has 185 children(!!!), and he admits that he doesn`t know all their names.
Extended family of 85-year-old Nigerian man already has more than 5,000 people, and he points out that obedience is the greatest value of women.
Polygamist claims that in 1970.he was "enlightened" by God who "ordered" him to become a healer and be successful with women.

Shariah law, namely allows to the Muslim to marry four women, and Masaba was arrested after he refused to divorce with 82 women, to keep four. His wives protested outside the prison, and Masaba was released because 57 of his wives testified in court that they are willingly with him in marriage.

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